Disclosing Failure

Benefit or Hazard for STEM Women Faculty? Advancing An Equity and Inclusion Perspective

June 11-13, 2024
Boar's Head Resort
University of Virginia

Join a diverse group of STEM practitioners from a wide variety of institutions and renowned failure scholars for three days of community connections, papers and presentations, delicious meals, and ample opportunity to enjoy Virginia's outdoor wonders.

Our NSF ADVANCE grant and University of Virginia support offer the opportunity to present this conference without charge, including most meals. You will be responsible for your lodging and travel. We have a few travel/lodging subventions reserved for those attending from under-resourced institutions.

If you need financial assistance to attend, please reach out to the organizers at failuredisclosure2024@gmail.com.

Please join us for three days of inquiry, community building, and relaxation as we explore failure disclosure in STEM from an equity and inclusion perspective.

Conference Advisory Committee

Principal Investigator and Co-PI

Gertrude Fraser

 PI, Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Virginia

 Natalia Palacios

Co-PI, Associate Professor of Education in the Educational Psychology - Applied Developmental Sciences program, University of Virginia

Organizing Committee (in alphabetical order)

 Rosalyn W. Berne, PhD

Anne Shirley Carter Olsson Professor of Applied Ethics, and Director of the Online Ethics Center for Engineering and Science (OEC), Department of Engineering and Society, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, University of Virginia

 Erika Hamden

Professor of Astronomy and Assistant Astronomer, Stewart Observatory, University of Arizona

 Elly Harrowell

Assistant Professor, Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations, Coventry University, U.K.

Heather L. Henderson

Assistant Professor, Health Policy, Management, and Leadership, West Virginia University

J. Kasi Jackson

Director, WVU ADVANCE Center, Professor, Women’s and Gender Studies, West Virginia University

 Christine Kunkle

Associate Professor of Communications, West Virginia University

Kelly Mack

Vice President for Undergraduate STEM Education and Executive Director of Project Kaleidoscope, American Association of Colleges and Universities

Adriana Mica

Professor, University of Warsaw, Poland
Advisory Committee

Pamela Norris

Vice Provost for Research, The George Washington University

Karen Scarpinato

Vice President for Research, Kennesaw State University

Melanie I. Stefan

Professor of Physiology, Medical School Berlin

Caitlin Wylie

Associate Professor of Science, Technology, and Society, School of Engineering, University of Virginia

Other Professionals

Karen Dabney, Ph.D

Artistic Director and Program Manager - UVA Acts, University of Virginia

Claire Holman Thompson

Program Director, nonprofit management consultant and author, Charlottesville, Virginia

Thank you

This conference is funded by
NSF ADVANCE Grant #2326704
with support from the University of Virginia. 

Co-sponsored by the University of Virginia's Vice President for Research, Vice President of Diversity and Inclusion, the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, and the Associate Dean for Diversity and Inclusion, College of Arts and Sciences. Special thanks to Cheryl Wagner, Chief of Staff, Office of the Vice President for Research, for her early encouragement and support.

Conference partners include the Society of STEM Women of Color (SSWOC) and the Women in Research group (WinR).